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We all want to be champions, because champions win. That’s easy to see. But if you’re willing to dig deeper, you’ll find that champions aren’t who they are because they win. In fact, actually, just the opposite is true. Champions win because of who they are.

Hall of Fame football coach Bill Walsh said, “Champions behave like champions before they are champions.” That’s so true. It means beyond just what you see on the surface – the victories, the trophies, the headlines – you’ll find that champions, in any area of life, have sown certain attributes and abilities into their being first, and then reaped the harvest of that hard work in the winner’s circle after. The same is true for you, too. You aren’t a champion because you win; you win because you’ve done the hard work it takes to become a champion. Find out, in this revealing book, how to recognize and develop your most important talent, and use it wherever you’re competing today – in business or in sports, at work or at home – to become your winningest self.

Love the Game  •  Give Your Best  •  Overcome Adversity  •  Seek Improvement 

Get Coached  •  Be a Teammate  •  Take Risks  •  Choose a Positive Attitude
