*Being a part of today’s game in any way - as an athlete, a coach, a parent, or a fan - is a privilege! We are lucky to have the chance to compete. Let’s treat it that way.
*Today’s contest will be played, coached, and officiated by imperfect people, just like the rest of us. There will be mistakes made, decisions made, and calls made that you don’t like or agree with. Keep your emotions in check and recognize that it’s all a part of the game.
*At our school the goal is to win, but our purpose is about more than just winning. We are committed to using this experience to help our student-athletes build the mindset and behaviors it takes to become a champion in any area of life. To learn how you can more effectively use the game to build your child’s attitude, effort, toughness and more, visit our library of Champions 101 resources at the bottom of this page.
*You play an important part in our school’s athletic culture. Be a positive part of this experience by cheering for our team and supporting our players. Enjoy the game and let’s keep building champions!
Champions 101 is a sports performance and leadership program for athletes, coaches, and sports parents. We work with schools around the country to support the people who bring an athletic culture to life, and we are thrilled to be partnering with Hudson High School!
As an Explorer athlete, coach, or sports parent, you have free access to the Champions 101 library of resources. It’s designed to help you get the most out of this athletic experience and to create an experience you can be proud of.