The old saying goes, “When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” That quote speaks to the power of our perspective - that who we are determines what we see and how we approach what’s in front of us. Hammers do one thing, and that’s drive a nail. Their entire experience flows through that lens. It’s all they know how to do.

The same can be said for you - for your perspective and your approach. If you’re a complainer, then what you see in front of you are opportunities to complain…so that’s what you do. If you’re a helper, what you see in front of you are opportunities to help…so that’s what you do. And if you’re a competitor, what you see in front of you are opportunities to compete…so that’s what you do.

Of course, everyone sees those opportunities to compete in the big moments. We all want to win when the bright lights come on and everyone’s watching. But real competitors see the opportunity to compete in every experience, no matter how small or insignificant it may appear to others. Every game. Every practice. Every workout. Every challenge, every task, and every test. For real competitors, all of it looks like an opportunity to step in the arena and compete. Why? Because when you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail. It’s all they know how to do.

Real competitors see the opportunity to compete in every experience, no matter how small or insignificant it may appear to others.

Of course, choosing to compete today doesn’t guarantee you the winning outcome you want. Competitors are unique, but not because they’re immune to failure or adversity. Even the ultimate competitors lose sometimes. Competitors are unique because first and foremost, they recognize that winning and losing is everywhere - even in those seemingly small or insignificant experiences that most people overlook, and then because they give their very best in pursuit of the winning outcome they’re after. Over and over. Time after time. It’s all they know how to do.

That pursuit is what really, truly competing is all about. Competitors love the straining, the striving, and even the struggling that comes with the pursuit of victory. Their relentless effort isn’t fueled by some unhealthy pressure or obligation. They aren’t driven by their fear of failure or scared by the idea of coming up short. They simply love the challenge. They see their opportunity to compete today as a blessing - something they get to do, not something they have to do. That’s why they can’t wait to get after it. It’s all they know how to do.

So the question today is, are you a competitor? Not someone who just shows up and wants to win when the bright lights come on and everyone’s watching. I mean a real competitor, someone who recognizes the opportunity to compete in every experience, no matter how small or insignificant it may appear to others. Someone who sees the challenges, the tasks, and the tests of the day ahead as a chance to step in the arena and get after it. Someone who’s driven, not by their fear of failure or by the idea of coming up short, but by your love of the pursuit. 

If that’s you, then you don’t need me or anyone else to tell you what’s in front of you today. You don’t need some rah-rah speech or motivational message, and you don’t need someone trying to convince you to get after it. When you’re a competitor, what you see are opportunities to compete, everywhere around you. It's hammer, meet nail. Now go do what you know how to do.