Champions in any area of life have what Hall of Fame football coach Vince Lombardi called “a commitment to excellence.” It’s what drives some people to bring their very best to whatever’s in front of them each and every day, regardless of the circumstances and in spite of the challenges. It creates a level of constancy and consistency that makes them unique and sets them apart. Their effort, their attitude, their energy, and their engagement are invariable. They are the same people every day. When the champion walks in the door, you know exactly who you’re gonna get.

While champions are driven by a commitment to excellence, losers are typically driven by a commitment to comfort. That’s what guides their decisions and their behavior, and that’s the reason their effort, their attitude, their energy, and their engagement all tend to fluctuate from day to day. Because their circumstances dictate their performance, when the loser walks in the door, you never quite know who you’re gonna get.

Today’s a great day to stop and evaluate your level of commitment, and the level of consistency that comes along with it. I’d argue that of all the qualities that define the champion, consistency might be the most underrated. You wouldn’t think a winning quality like that would be easy to overlook, but it actually happens all the time. Because for most people, their effort, their attitude, their energy, and their engagement fluctuate from day to day, their occasional excellence is worthy of celebration. The leader - the boss, the coach, or the manager - has a tendency to highlight these rare and uncommon occurrences because they're hoping they become more frequent, but honestly can’t be sure when they’ll happen again. Meanwhile, over time, the champion’s consistent, winning performance can become almost an expectation. When everyday excellence is the habit - believe it or not - it can be easy to take for granted.

Another reason consistency is underrated is because even though it’s not loud or flashy, it is perhaps the most powerful evidence of the champion’s winning mindset. The ability to show up and bring your best every day proves you’re in the rare class of people who’s willing to do what winning requires, even when you don’t feel like it. Consistency also confirms that to you, today matters. Even if what you’ve got in front of you today may not seem all that big and important, you recognize it as another opportunity to validate that your standard doesn't change.

Finally, consistency is underrated because despite all the hacks and shortcuts in the world today, the long-term compounding effect of everyday excellence is unmatched. Occasional excellence might look good, but over the long haul, a daily commitment to excellence slowly and gradually continues to separate the champion from everyone else. It's the least spectacular but most effective formula for success: show up and give your best. Every. Single. Day.

So how consistent are you? The answer to that question probably starts with your level of commitment. It’s not complicated: more commitment = more consistent. If you are someone who’s showing up and giving your best, over and over again each day, then I want to celebrate your performance. The truth is, that kind of consistency may get taken for granted, and it may have you wondering if it's really worth the effort. Please don't underestimate its value or its importance.

So keep doing what winning requires, even when you don’t feel like it. Keep recognizing that today matters, even if the work in front of you may not seem all that big and important. And keep separating yourself - one day at a time - from those you're competing with and against. Keep showing up and giving your best. Every. Single. Day.