You may have noticed that when it comes to advertising, not all information is disseminated equally. While the large-print, attention-grabbing headlines shout the promise of a great deal you’d be foolish to pass up, you’ll also find - somewhere close by - what's known as the fine print. These details of the deal are obscurely included somewhere near the bottom of the page, usually in print barely discernible to the human eye. It’s there you’ll find the catch, the conditions, or the clarifications of the “deal” you’ve been promised. Many consumers have found themselves trapped in a situation they weren’t expecting or had to back out of a commitment they’d made once it became clear what they’d gotten themselves into. They didn’t realize what this whole thing was actually gonna cost because they didn’t take the time to read the fine print.

This is a great illustration for how many people sell themselves on the idea of becoming a champion in any important area of life. The thought of winning usually creates for each of us some large-print, attention-grabbing headlines in our mind. Those headlines shout out how exciting our moment of triumph will be. In the headlines we see the glory and the fame that comes with our achievement, and the acknowledgement and recognition of those who witness it. We envision just how fun it would be to do something meaningful and important, and to be known and remembered as a champion forever. “Yes,” we say enthusiastically, “I’m sold. Sign me up!” And who can blame us? Who doesn’t want all that? That’s an attractive offer that’s worthy of our pursuit.

But as attractive as it appears in the headlines, I do want you to see clearly today that the pursuit of success brings with it a sobering and significant price to pay. You might call it the fine print of the commitment we make to become a champion. While the headlines lure us in with the promise of a pleasing outcome, the fine print details the long, slow, sometimes painful process that’s required for us to get where we want to go. You see, there are some stipulations for success, and before any of us get caught up in committing to the glamorous headlines, we should be sure to read the fine print.



While the headlines lure us in with the promise of a pleasing outcome, the fine print details the long, slow, sometimes painful process that’s required for us to get where we want to go.



In the fine print you’ll find that while the successful outcome is awfully fun and exciting, it’s not guaranteed. You can go all-in, do all the work...and still come up short. And even if you do achieve it, you may have to fail repeatedly before you ever get there. Yes, there is glory and fame for those who make it to the top, but only after weeks, months, or even years spent scratching, crawling, and struggling their way up the side of the mountain - usually on their own - without any acknowledgement or recognition.

The headlines don’t mention anything about all the early mornings and the late nights, the unexpected roadblocks and detours you’ll have to navigate along the way, or the countless sacrifices you’ll have to make in order to get what you want. It’s only in the fine print that you’ll see exactly what a commitment to becoming a champion has gotten you into, and what this whole thing is actually gonna cost.

That’s the reason why so many people say they want to achieve something big and important, but then never actually end up doing it. They were seduced by the flashy headlines of success, but ultimately weren't willing to pay the hefty price that winning requires. Don’t be so foolish. If you say you want to become a champion, great! Just make sure you read the fine print. Recognize right up front the cost involved. Accept the terms and conditions of your commitment. And then? Get to work.