It’s not hard this time of year to find out who’s really into Halloween. Like…really into it. The decorations, the costumes, the haunted houses. Some people will go to extreme lengths to do some scaring, and some will go just as extreme in their attempts to be scared. I saw that at a local scream park, if you’re willing to pay extra, you can get the upgraded package that includes kidnapping you from your group. Sounds like a fun way to unwind after a long week, doesn’t it? It’s a little crazy, but it’s proof that some people love a good scare.
In the spirit of the season, that’s what I want do here today. No, not kidnap you. I just want to scare you a little. I think if you’re serious about winning in any important area of life, a little fear can be a good thing. Here are few things worth being scared of…
1. Be scared that you’ll miss opportunities because you aren’t prepared. You’ve probably spent some time dreaming about the big, important things you really want to accomplish, but is the work you’re putting in preparing you for those big moments to come? For most people, their big opportunity doesn’t come knocking on the front door in the middle of the day, announcing its arrival with plenty of notice. It usually takes the horror movie stalker approach - sneaking up in the dark as people go mindlessly about their business, unaware and unprepared. Unfortunately, just like the movies, most people don’t see it coming until it’s too late.
2. Be scared that someone will do more with less than you. We have a tendency to devote too much of our time and energy comparing ourselves to others. Usually we envy those we think have it better than we do, those farther along on the journey, or those blessed with something we wish we had. Instead of dwelling on those ahead of us, though, it may be wise to look over your shoulder at what’s coming up from behind. What you might see is that while you're complaining about what you don't have, someone with less talent and fewer resources is hunting you down. They are outworking, outhustling, and outcompeting you, and when they meet you face to face, they'll win. They are gaining ground on you, and hungry to take what you have if you allow it.
3. Be scared that you’ll have to live with your regret. There’s nothing in life that will haunt you more than a squandered past. So many people are tormented by the would’ves, could’ves, and should’ves of days gone by. They’d give anything to go back and have another shot, but it’s too late. There are some things in life we can only learn from experience - from missing out, learning from our mistakes, and improving for next time. But others we need to recognize are here for the taking - right now, in front of us for just a short time - and once they’re gone they can’t be resurrected.
Living life consumed by fear isn’t healthy or productive, and I’m not implying that any of these fears should have you hiding under the bed at night or trembling in the shadows. But a little fear can be a good thing now and then. It can give us some urgency to make the most of today and to prepare well for tomorrow. It can help us reach our potential, and it can help us eliminate our regret. If we use it the right way, a little fear can help us become our best.